Monday, April 30, 2012

call me miss mom

Lately in my life:

I have been playing miss mom with my little brothers while my mom and dad work full time, 
creating a room for myself in the basement, building furniture, restoring furniture, planting and restoring our yard, working on soccer with zane, training for red rock relay in 12 days, working backstage at dance competitions, and spending every last second with matt.

This boy is my life right now.  But seriously.  We spend everyday together. And I couldn't be happier. Just look at that face! This was just after Logan's soccer game.

Pancakes after working all day long.  He's the best!! We ran into Emily Pugh too.

These are my mornings. Waking up to dancing racecar driver/spiderman/batman/whatever pjs he's in.

Restoring and painting the my mom's old coffee table from her first house.  I should have taken a before pic. It was a dark (ugly) brown.  I sanded it down, primed it, and painted it with a high gloss. Looks great in my basement apartment/room!

We discovered a robins nest in our backyard! We recently got a birdfeeder which is probably the cause... This picture doesn't do the eggs justice either! They are seriously a brilliant aqua blue... GORGEOUS.

Another look at the eggs. 4 of them. So cute!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Men only?..... Bring It On

Bills remind me of the green things in wallets
For me the word "burn" goes hand in hand with cooking
My resume consists of babysitting & frozen yogurt manager


I can lift a dumbbell 
I can (and do) mow the lawn 
I now know how to build furniture 

Check those of your list ladies! I might not be a miss perfect 10 on the outside... but I sure as heck know how to swing a hammer, get down in the dirt, and let my hair hang down!  Afterall, maybe there's a reason my name is Kyle...  :)

After working ALL day on my new IKEA bed, I finally got it put up! I did it all by myself (well my dad screwed in like 4 screws - out of 300).  Who knew tightening bolts and pushing wood slats together could be so exhausting...?

frametastic picture

The damage... yes. I got 4 blisters total and several cuts.  Building furniture is dangerous work! 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Moving.... into the theater room??

Well, I moved all of my stuff home this last weekend,  but I didn't have a room to put it in! My grandma moved into my room when I left for college because she was going to be having surgery and needed my mom's help.

So now.. I get to make my own room :)

It has been decided that I get the entire theater room to myself!!

My mom and I went to Ikea and got a cute bed frame and comfy mattress today that we are going to put in the back of the room.  We are going to go get an armoire and other things too, we just couldn't today because the store was kicking us out at 9:30 pm :P (it closes at 9). 

I can't say I can complain! I get a huge widescreen TV, new furniture, leather couches, windows to sneak out of, and (best of all) - my own temperature setting - COLD.  

Life. Is. Good.

Things of late:

Meet the newest addition to our family: Toothless Rainbow (named by 3 year old brother)

Spending time with my brothers, our poodle, and the summer sun!

And of course.. furniture shopping!

Other things to note:

Zane's soccer games- he's playing left wing, which is my position! SO fun to watch! Registered for Red Rock Relay on may 12th! Yoga at Lifetime Fitness :) Registering for the St. George half marathon!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Freshman Finish

Today marks the day! The end of my Freshman year at BYU! I can't believe I made it all in one piece! I ended up taking the rest my Economics final on Tuesday and my Masterpieces of World Literature test on Wednesday! Then my mom visited me (for the first time ever this year and on the last day haha), went to dinner with me at the Cannon Center, bought some things at the creamery, and traded me my Mazda 3 for her Escalade so I could fit all of my crap in it! Then I loaded up my stuff that night! I woke up this morning and went to the Museum of Art where I met Zaney- he was on a field trip with his school's 6th grade classes.

Saying goodbye to my freshman year was bittersweet! While it was so much fun, it was also really hard! I can't say I'm not excited to welcome the summer! :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Send a Girl Some Flowers

Alright. Morgan and I have the sweetest home teacher. No battle.
 I just spent five hours studying and three hours puking my brain out onto a scantron for Economics. I come back to my dorm very exhausted, maybe even limping a little...

 I have pen on my face. 

Which is great, because I used a pen around 10 am. Now I know why I was getting weird looks all day long.

But then I find this gem:

Finals + Flowers = Much Needed Encouragement

"God sends angels in the form of friends." 

Finally Finals.

They are here. Well, actually they are almost over! 
So far I have managed to conquer

Book of Mormon - 87%%
Biology - 100% (what?)
Literary Theory - not sure

Still mus battle with Economics and Masterpieces of World Literature! Wish me luck :) 

I feel like a scary viking woman running for the final kill swinging my ax around my head.  I'm not sure if I can actually get the final kill but I'm gonna look dang good trying. 

End of Freshman Year


I cannot believe how fast this year has gone by! It seems like yesterday that I unpacked my things and wobbled around campus like a kid in the airport.  And tomorrow my freshman year ends! I feel like I blinked and now it's gone. College has been an amazing experience! The ups,
                                                               the downs,
the good, the bad. It's all been worth it. Here are a few good things I'm gonna miss from my freshman year:

Pulling all-nighters with my roomie to get homework done. Almost throwing up from inhaling foam at true blue!  Kissing a few boys... ;)  BYU football games with my best friends.  Newport Beach, CA - dog fights and college men singing. Going dancing, like every weekend. Dates in the canyon. Drooling over Provo. Allstars at Gold's Gym. Porn convention? The Vow. Hot tubbing. Provo Allstars. Oh the Cannon center. Streaking down our hallway. Almost dying taking Joey to the airport in a blizzard. Sleep yelling at Morgan and Sarah. Sailing, street acrobats, and Ryan Lavering in San Francisco. Stealing Traffic cones. Travelling from New York to Paris - Las Vegas strip with friends. Riding quads with Cragun Liston and friends. Date to watch Sundance film festival. JAMBA JUICE - berry topper please. Group texting conversations. Midnight videos with Morgan. Flat tires. Lax Bro games. Monster trucks world finals in Vegas with my family. Peeing in the urinals, on myself, and outside. BAFF midnight running club - BYU Anti-Freshman Fifteen. Snowboarding with little brothers and Nathan Waters. Political Science with Kimberly Taylor. $200 speeding tickets. Lauren's Cabin. Kicking myself through Economics. Becoming lovestruck in marriage and family. Mac Miller concert. drugs anyone? Dancing with Morgan in our room.. and so much much more. I'm gonna miss it!!!! 

A few simple life lessons that came from a not so simple life:

1. Happiness takes courage.
2. I have to believe in myself no matter what. No matter what.
3. My relationship with my Heavenly Father is the most important relationship I can ever have.